1. Anthony Weiner--great name for this idiot and what an ego he has. I certainly hope that New Yorkers send him a message to go away. If they don't do so they deserve this jerk and so does his wife for not kicking his lying, emailing, instant messaging, texting, tweeting ass out.
2. News about celebrities--at least their latest arrests, divorces, fights, etc. I couldn't care less. And whoever started combining couple's names really needs to be drug off and shipped to North Korea.
3. Any media outlet that uses the word se-ques-tra-tion.
4. The U.S. Congress. These guys and gals have totally lost the ability to legislate. It's been so long now I doubt they even know how to create and pass a law that actually benefits the country instead of their lobbyists.
5. Software updates. Do we really have so much happening that software has to be updated daily? Or sometimes more than once a day? It just tells me someone doesn't exactly know what they're doing. Either that or they have entirely too much time on their hands.
Posted by: Pete (Alois) | 09/09/2013 at 12:57 PM